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Memory Caregiver Kits

Did you know that Mead Library has memory caregiver kits? These kits are put together to support caregivers of those experiencing symptoms of dementia in all of it’s stages. Early stage kits focus on a goal with a tangible outcome. Early to mid stage kits involve activities that are broken into manageable chunks, so the user can focus on the experience rather than the overall outcome. Mid to late stage kits focus more on experience as well as sensations from an activity. Below are some of the items you might find in your kit:

Colored Pencils and Coloring Pages

Coloring can be a very relaxing activity for those experience dementia symptoms. It allows a person to focus and “zone out” for a period of time, as well as relieve stress and improve a person’s mood.

Music Box

Some kits will include a small music box with a lever on the side that allows a person to turn it. It’s a very simple design, but this type of music box allows the user an independence due to it’s unassisted nature. The melody is simple and engaging, prompting increase thought and feeling about the music.

Fidget Widget™

There are many reasons for a person with dementia to experience anxiety and agitation. It could be changes in environment, being around new people/caregivers, or the overall struggle to make sense out of a world that is becoming more and more confusing. This fidget toy is a great tool to relieve anxiety and restlessness. It can also help focus a person’s attention, alerting the brain to make certain movements.

Water Painting Kit

Another fun art activity you can find in this kit are the Aquapaint™ water painting sheets. Painting, like other forms of art, can benefit a person’s mood and lower stress. Aquapaint™ is made to be a slightly easier form of art, where the user just has to brush a sheet of paper with water, and an image will start to appear. These can be found in kits for multiple stages, but work best for those in mid-late stage dementia.

Jigsaw Puzzle

Puzzles are a wonderful activity that creates a feeling of accomplishment at the end. They are found to reduce stress while also strengthening cognition. For caregivers, puzzles can open up an opportunity for connection with the person in their care, with a potential to work together to get to achieve an end goal.

These are just a few of the items offered in our Memory Caregiver kits. Come check out what else they have to offer!

Kits can be checked out for 14 days, and should be returned to Mead Library using the indoor book return.

You can check kit availability through the Monarch Catalog at